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My story...

The Cycling Scientist

Dr Morag Prach

(BSc Hons Experimental Pathology and PhD Immunology)


My career began in Biomedical Science research and I have over twelve years of laboratory experience. My passion for teaching was realised during this time and I went on to a teaching role at the University of Glasgow where I taught undergraduate courses in Biology, Dentistry, and Medicine for a further 5 years.


To ensure a work-life balance whilst bringing up my children I used this teaching experience to offer private tutoring at National 5 and Higher for Chemistry and Biology. I currently work from home and started my own business in 2016. This incorporates my other passion, cycling! During the school term, I am busy teaching Biology, Chemistry, Bikeability and Bike Maintenance.

As a lifelong learner myself I have qualifications in Business Administration and Bike Mechanics. When I am not teaching you can find me fixing bikes, riding bikes or talking bikes.


Having spent the majority of my adult life doing lab-based research and teaching in the University sector and struggling for funds I am now enjoying the benefits of working for a third sector organisation. Who would ever have known that by saving myself some petrol (and the environment) by cycling to school with the kids would lead me in a new and exciting life adventure? Chatting in the school playground about the state of the cycle path resulted in me offering a few hours of my time each week with a local cycling charity.


My simple short-term goal was to learn how to mend a puncture. Little did I know that my skills in grant writing and project organisation were those “transferrable skills” everyone is banging on about. There is no one best thing about this life change, it has many dimensions.  I have lost 1 stone in weight doing something the kids and I enjoy and cycling is a necessary part of the day to get us school and work. Perhaps more importantly I am there for my kids; the “work-life balance” thing really does come into it. Oh and the flexibility that I enjoy has also allowed me to go back to piano!

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